We start our 2nd ORCA SWIM CHALLENGE on Monday, the 1st of March, and we hope to see you on the starting line!  We had a great response to our 1st challenge where swimmers had to reach a goal of 20,000 meters which many excelled at and we are thrilled that many of those swimmers who were initially daunted of the distance have now conquered the distance.  For this second challenge we are increasing the goal to 30,000 meters, which equates to approximately 1,000 meters per day, so you only need to swim an extra 300 meters per session compared to last month - YOU CAN DO THIS!

To be a part of the 2nd Swim Challenge you need to enter by completing the form below this will enable us to contact you should you be drawn as one of our lucky spot prize winners. 
You will also need to join our Strava Club so we can see your times and distances swum.  When uploading your swim sessions your privacy settings need to be made viewable to "Everyone", otherwise we will not have access to your session data.
This challenge is to keep you motivated during these interesting times we are currently in, so if you want to swim more then do so and show us what you're made of!  For those of you who are nervous about the new goal, don't be scared of the distance;  Desmond Tutu once wisely said that “there is only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time.”  
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and tag us on your swims!  Be creative on your instagram post, as the most creative post also stands a chance on winning a spot prize!  Use the following tags on all your social media swim posts: #OrcaSwimChallenge / #Swim30Challenge / #ChallengeYourself / #GetYourSwimOn / #ChasingEpic / #RaisedInTheWater / #TheGreatOutdoors #ConfidenceToReachFurther

The challenge is FREE, so be a part of our next Orca Swim Challenge and ENTER TODAY!  

We look forward to seeing you out there!

From all of us at Fluidlines