The Players’ Fund

The Players’ Fund


Shonee Cornelissen and Achmat Hassiem will be tackling the Freedom Swim on Saturday 4 April. They have decided to tackle this challenge in aid of the Chris Burger Petro Jackson Players’ Fund (AKA The Players’ Fund). The Players’ Fund supports rugby players in SA who sustain serious and life-changing injuries on the field. Shonee and Achmat have set up a Givengain page ( with the intention of raising R20K for this charity which is commemorating 40 years of service to rugby in 2020. Donors can simply click the link and follow the prompts and also keep up to date with their training regime and progress.

The R20K target has been set in order to purchase a much-needed hospital bed for a recipient of the Fund - JP Lugt who lives in Pinelands, Cape Town, where Shonee also lives. This bed will ease the strain on JPs carers who move him in and out of bed each day. The price of the Arjohuntleigh Minuet bed is R19 000 and the price of a CE mobility power wheelchair is R70 745. Should any more donations come in over the target, the funds will be used towards the wheelchairs and possibly more.

Shonee and Achmat are actively promoting this initiative with public talks, radio interviews and reaching out to their combined networks. Currently the total funds raised is sitting at R4100. Should funds be raised over and above the R20K mark, there are 106 other recipients of the Fund who will benefit from this initiative, and all donors will also receive a section 18A certificate for tax relief – it is a win win for all.

Orca is proud to partner with Shonee Cornelissen and Achmat Hassiem, who have our full support on such a great initiative.  Head over to their Givengain page today and help make a difference.

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